Your visit to this page is likely a continuation of a path you've been walking. You're answering a call to transform self, culture, and conditions.
Answering a call to propel humanity forward.
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The CEO and Founder of The Equitect.™ Among other endeavors, I help you craft powerful slingshots for the Goliath-sized challenges race and its intersections bring.
learn about Dr. Myosha McAfeeLove The Equitect™ because "The quality of conversation and the leadership it would open up for every participant of the group to contribute moving forward is beyond quantifiable…"
Love The Equitect™ because "I am a better colleague, friend, wife, sister, daughter and human of the world because of you. What I learned and the skills I built were truly life-changing for me..."
Love The Equitect™ because “She pushes for intellectually substantive work in a way that no other had challenged me to do during my ENTIRE time at Harvard..."
Love The Equitect™ because "Dr. McAfee has developed a game-changing approach and methodology to do the essential work of our time...Dr. McAfee is leading the way - work with her as soon as you can."